
loosing mail with outlook exp 5.5

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Moderatori: Dylan666, hydra, gahan

Postdi andy » 29/08/01 14:19

>, HELP I've lost important mail
>, the 11'th of August, re opening my outlook express 5.5, I had a bad
>, surprise: al my mail from 01/23 till 08/11 were lost in all the folder
>, (inbox, sent , ....). Actually I dont think they're really lost (I think
>, because the size of inbox/sent/... .dbx file are still the same (very big
>, inbox file is 1.4 Gb).
>, To be honest I've to tell that, because of some mooving from pc to
>, the situation of my outlook express was may be critical (but I really
>, know wich are the limits): I've very big folder (I said about 1.4 gb of
>, inbox.dbx but also the other are very big) full with duplicated and unread
>, msgs.
>, I've investigated and I've found that the previous day (08/10) same batch
>, application run (in attached you can find the log): it doesn't show any
>, effect till the reboot of that blade 08/11!!
>, PLEASE HELP ME!!! In that mail there is something really important for
>, me!!!
>, I'm wondering if there is some tool that can check and fix the problem.
>, HELP!!!
>, Please reply at
>, Many thanks in advance
>, Bye
Infatti,credo che cosi sia sufficiente

<font face=verdana size=-2>[ Questo messaggio è, stato modificato da: luna11 il 29/08/01 22:16 ]</font>
Post: 1
Iscritto il: 28/08/01 01:00


Postdi Luther » 29/08/01 15:16

Forse ci hai già provato, ma ... perche non provare a reimportare la cartella eventalmente cambiando nome? non l'estensione!
Date un pesce ad un uomo e lo avrete sfamato per un giorno,
insegnategli a pescare, e lo avrete sfamato per la vita
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Postdi paromotor » 29/08/01 19:34

non è polemica ma non dovrebbe intervenire il moderatore dopo un mex così lungo e indecifrabile?
vabbè che conosciamo l'inglese, ma....
diego the best
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Iscritto il: 20/08/01 01:00
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incollare in Outlook
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